School Calendar Update:
1 day ago, Bobbie Quist
Announcement about Calendar change
School Cancelation
5 days ago, Bobbie Quist
School Cancelation
RSU 39-School Physicals
15 days ago, Bobbie Quist
School Physical Info
Due to the projected forecast for tomorrow, February 13th, Eastern Aroostook RSU 39 will institute a Remote Learning Day. All school-related activities are also canceled.
28 days ago, Bobbie Quist
Remote Day Image
Our RSU 39 app keeps getting better and better! Parents/guardians who have already created a Rooms account can now access new app features like chat and class streams via web and in the app. Another round of invites have been sent today! Download for Android Download for iPhone
about 1 month ago, Eastern Aroostook
Rooms info post
Please see the letter below from RSU 39 Nurses
about 1 month ago, Bobbie Quist
Letter from Nurses regarding illness
Hi guardians! Another round of Rooms invites have been sent out. We already have nearly half of our student body set up with a guardian, thanks for your participation! Check your email/text for that second round of invites, and please see our Rooms Support page on the website if you have any questions.
about 1 month ago, Eastern Aroostook
Rooms info graphic
Say hello to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the RSU 39 app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/guardians check your email/text for instructions to sign up and access new features.
about 2 months ago, Eastern Aroostook
Rooms info graphic
Say hello to two-way messaging in the RSU 39 app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app after January 21st. Download for Android Download for iPhone
about 2 months ago, Eastern Aroostook
Rooms info post
Letter from Superintendent McCall
3 months ago, Bobbie Quist
Letter from Superintendent McCall
2-Hour Delay today for RSU 39. No morning Pre K.
3 months ago, Lisa Milliard
2hr delay
Please see important message from Superintendent McCall
3 months ago, Lisa Milliard
RSU 39-Remote Learning Day-12/5/24
3 months ago, Bobbie Quist
Remote Learning Day image
Please review this letter from Superintendent McCall regarding a Remote Learning Day on December 5th.
3 months ago, Bobbie Quist
Remote Learning Day Letter 12/5/24
Mark your calendars, and get into the holiday spirit!
4 months ago, Lisa Milliard
Mark your calendars and get into the holiday spirit!
4 months ago, Lisa Milliard
Attendance Matters
4 months ago, Bobbie Quist
CCS Grades 6-8 Halloween Dance
5 months ago, Bobbie Quist
Due to technical difficulties, we had to set up a new link to watch tonight's board meeting. Here is the updated link:
6 months ago, Bobbie Quist
We are very excited about this new process for our athletes!!
7 months ago, Bobbie Quist